Web Applications Errors

This article provides information about errors encountered in web-based applications. It contains the following:

  • End-user's errors
  • Administrator indications

End-Users' errors

Users may encounter these errors when they attempt to log in to the application. The error messages include the error code, text explaining the error, and an indication of the source of the error. They also include a trace ID for Axis support.



Customer Support can use the session ID to troubleshoot a specific user session.


The following table describes errors in web applications and their solution.

Error CodeErrorSolution
403Access was blocked due to policy restrictions.Create a policy rule to grant the user access to the application.
403The application is configured with the public connector zone, but has a private IP address.Change the application’s IP to a private address, or change the connector zone to one that is not the public connector zone.
403URL out of scope - User tried to access another domain from the app.Add the page domain as an additional domain in the web application's advanced settings.

If the problem persists contact Axis Support: support@axissecurity.com
403Unsupported Browsers.Use a supported browser. Learn more .
404The URL couldn’t be found. This may be a rewrite problem, or otherwise, it can happen if the user entered a non-existing URL.
Contact Axis support:

Note: To send a HAR file, click here.
421The application DNS routed back to Axis instead of the application server.Make sure the connector is configured to use the private DNS server instead of a public DNS server.
500Axis encountered an internal server error.Try again in a few minutes.
If the problem persists, contact Axis Support: support@axissecurity.com
500URL rewrite failureContact Axis Support: support@axissecurity.com
502Axis could not find the application server.Make sure the application server is online. In addition, ensure the connector can access the application server and is not blocked by a firewall.
531No available connectorsMake sure the connectors in the application’s connector zone are online. If the problem persists, deploy another connector to the zone.
532Cannot connect to a private IP using the public 
connector zone.Configure a different connector zone for the application in the Axis Management Console.
2012There are no available connectors in the zone.Make sure your connectors are online or deploy new connectors to the zone.
2013Identity Provider login failed. There was an error authenticating with the Identity Provider.Try to refresh and log in again. If the problem persists, check your Identity Provider configuration.
MobileAccess to this page is blockedCreate a policy rule to grant the user access to the application.
No CodeAccess denied. 
 is not an administrator in workspaceTo allow the user access, add the user as an administrator.

Note: Enter the correct workspace name before logging in.

Administrator indications

Administrators have visibility on the errors encountered by their end-users in web applications and the User Portal. An error in the user’s session triggers an indication in the session header, which also appears in the Insights dashboard.

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