Server Requirements for the Connector
The Atmos Connector can be deployed in the following ways.
- Bare Metal
- Virtual Machine (Generic)
- Virtual Machine (OVA).
Bare Metal (Physical Machine)
- 4 CPU Cores
- 40GB Disk
- 1 or more Network Interfaces
Linux Version
- Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 (including CIS Hardened)
- CentOS Stream 9
- Rocky Linux 8, 9
- Oracle Linux 8
- RedHat 8, 9
Subscribed license required for RHEL to enable downloading of packages for connector software installation)
RedHat 7 will be deprecated soon (06/30/24) as well as CentOS Stream 8 (05/31/24)
- ‘sudo’ privileges are required to install connector software
- Hostname defined – The hostname should not be changed after installation
- CURL version: 7.55.0+ (You can check with the command "curl --version")
- IP Address - Static or DHCP reservation is necessary. IP should not be changed after installation
- Connection to the Internet with firewall rules as defined in the Firewall Rules for Connector Connectivity.
Virtual Machine
- Virtual Hardware
- 4 CPU cores
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Disk space: 40 GB
- 1 or more Network Interfaces
- Linux Version: Same as bare metal machine requirements
- OS: Same as bare metal machine requirements
If your are using AWS, a m5.xlarge machine will suffice (Axis AMI Available)
Virtual Machine (OVA)
Virtual Hardware (OVA)
- Virtual Hardware
- 4 CPU cores
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Disk space: 40 GB
- 1 or More Network interfaces
- Hypervisor: VmWare, VirtualBox
- OS: Same as bare metal machine requirement.
If using AWS, a m5.xlarge machine will suffice (Axis AMI Available)
Updated 8 months ago
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