Checking Your Crowdstrike Rate Limit

This section describes how to check if you have exceeded your CrowdStrike rate limit using a curl command and Postman.

To check if you have exceeded your Crowdstrike rate limit:

  1. Invoke a POST request to with the following body parameters:

  2. Check the following response headers X-Ratelimit-Limit and X-Ratelimit-Remaining.

  3. Compare the rate limit to your remaining rate limit.

Example 1: Checking the Rate Limit Using the Curl Command

Run the following CURL command:

curl -v -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>&client_secret=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>" -X POST

Example 2: Checking the Rate Limit Using Postman

The following screenshot shows you how to use Postman to check if you have exceeded your Crowdstrike rate limit.

