RDP Events

Admins can view RDP Events from Insights > Users > User Activity screen.

Click here to view general events sent to Splunk. Logs include the fields listed in the table below.

Activity Log FieldDescription
AccessBlockedSession blocked due to the organization’s security policy
BadDevicePostureAccess to this application was blocked according to the organization's security policy
ClientIPBlockedAccess to this application was blocked according to the organization's security policy
ConnectionFailedConnection failed- not able to reach the RDP server
ConnectorAllocationFailureAxis encountered an error processing your request
IdpMismatchThis RDP file is registered to another user. Download a new file in the User Portal
MatchedRuleAccess to this application has been blocked according to the organization's security policy
ProfileAccessMismatchAccess to this application was blocked according to the organization's security policy
RDPLauncherFileAuthenticationRDP file was launched
RDPLauncherFileAuthenticationFailedThe RDP file failed to launch
RDPLauncherFileDownloadedRDP launcher file was downloaded from the User Portal
RDPMachineAuthenticationConnected to RDP server as . The username is the one used for logging in to Axis
RDPMachineAuthenticationFailedLogin failed- wrong RDP credentials
SuccessfulIdPLoginAuthentication with the Identity Provider was successful
TimeoutSession length has reached its limit as determined by the administrator. Connection will close in 5 minutes
TokenRevokedThe RDP token session was revoked
Unknown/InvalidRequestAn error had occurred
UnreachableThe remote desktop is unreachable
UserMismatchThis RDP file is registered to another user. Download a new file in the User Portal
Wrong user CredentialsWrong credentials
Wrong Predefined CredentialsWrong server credentials