Determining a URL's Web Category

Administrators can find and edit the categories to which a specific URL belongs or from which the URL was excluded.

Click here to learn more about adding and editing web categories.

URLs have 3 options in regards to web categories:
* Included in a predefined list- the URL is included in a web category that is based on the categorization database.

  • Included in a custom list- the URL is included in a category created by the admin.
  • Excluded from a custom list- the URL is excluded from a category created by the admin.

To find the categories containing a URL:

  1. Go to Settings-> Destinations -> Categories Tab.
  2. Click URL Lookup.

The URL Lookup dialog opens.

  1. Enter the URL you want to check.
  2. Click the Search icon.

Click the Edit icon to edit the category. Click here to learn more about editing a category.