Axis Connector Deployment for AWS AMI
Installing a Connector on AWS Using an AMI
- AWS Account ID
- AWS Console Access
Step 1: Register for AMI Sharing with Axis Security
- AMIs are currently available in the following regions:
- us-east-1, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, ap-southeast-1
- Send an email to [email protected] with your AWS Account ID.
- If you require additional regions include the information in the email to support.
- Axis will then review the Account ID and share the AMIs with that account.
Step 2: Running the Connector AMI
- Navigate to your AWS console.
Make sure to use the account corresponding to the ID provided in the registration.
- Select EC2 → Instances → Launch Instance.

- Select My AMIs.
- Enable the Shared with me.

- Select the latest image.
- Choose your preferred image base (Ubuntu / Amazon Linux 2) and click Select.
Amazon Linux 2 is recommended as it provides better performance on AWS infrastructure. Amazon Linux 2023 is not supported yet.

- Select an instance type.
m5.large or t3.large are recommended

- Click Next: Configure Instance Details. Choose your desired configuration.
- Make sure your connector has external access when choosing the Virtual Private Cluster (VPC) to deploy.
- Take note of the VPC in which you deploy the connector, as the connector deploys to the same VPC as the destination applications.
Click Next: Add Storage.
Verify the disk has 40GB listed under the Size(GiB) column.
Click Review and Launch.
Sttep 3: Connecting to the Axis Cloud
When the instance is running, use SSH to connect to the newly created machine.
To connect to the Axis Cloud:
In the Management Console go to Settings -> Connectors-> New Connector.
Select a name and Connector Zone, and click Next

Copy the code and paste it into the SSH Session's terminal.
Run the script.

Updated almost 2 years ago
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