Connector History
The Audit Log provides useful information about the connectors and their history, from creation to deployment and updates.
Connector Created
Provides the date and time a connector was created in the Management Console. In addition, the entry provides information about the connector's name, whether or not it is enabled, the version that will be installed, and to which connector zone it belongs.

Connector Installed
Provides the date and time a connector was successfully installed on a machine, including the connector's version.

Connector Regenerated
Provides the date and time a provisioning code was regenerated in the Management Console. In addition, it provides the actual connector version when the code was regenerated, and if there is a newer version- the version that will be installed when the installation command runs.

Connector Updated
Provides the date and time a connector's version was updated and from which and to which version.

Updated over 2 years ago