Smart Routing

About Atmos Smart Routing

Atmos enables users to access internal applications all over the world, as well as secure access to external websites and SaaS applications.

By utilizing several smart routing methods, the Atmos Agent optimizes the path in which the user is routed to its destination based on the type of traffic and policy configurations.

Multi PoP Connectivity

When an organization has multiple, geographically diverse application centers, each center can be configured to connect with the Atmos Cloud via different Atmos Points-of-Presence (PoP).  With Multi-Pop Connectivity, Atmos will evaluate the user’s access policies and application locations, allowing the Atmos Agent to create simultaneous connections through different Atmos PoPs, optimizing the user’s experience.

GEO-DNS Connectivity

The Atmos Agent and Connector will utilize GEO-DNS to establish a connection to the closest Axis PoP. This means that Axis will automatically always choose the closest PoP by DNS resolution in order to send / receive traffic from / to the Axis PoP.

TCP vs UDP Optimization

TCP Traffic

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol designed for reliable data transmission.  To ensure reliable transmission, sent data is acknowledged end-to-end.  In the event of a lost packet, TCP will use retransmits to preserve the reliability of the data flow.  Retransmits, especially over long distances, can cause significant latency negatively impacting the user’s experience.  To reduce this impact, Atmos PoPs can optimize TCP behavior, reducing data and latency overhead in the connection across the Atmos Cloud.

UDP Traffic

In case of UDP traffic, there is no validation. The Atmos PoPs will utilize the routing capabilities in order to send the traffic directly to the PoP which is closest to the application, leading to the optimization of the traffic handling.

Multi Region Application

Some networks may present a single application from different physical or geographic locations.  The Multi-Region Application feature identifies which Atmos connector zones, an application can be reached through.  Additionally, Atmos tracks real-time traffic metrics to determine which connector-zone provides the best path to an application and prioritizes it for each Atmos user.  To learn more about the Multi-Region Application feature click here.